Thursday, December 30, 2010

Death Pools

I'm going to try to supplement my earnings this year by joining as many cash death pools as possible. Then I'm going to sit around the house and hold my breath until my targets are eliminated.

Last year I was responsible for a spate of Hollywood-types eating it.

Sean Penn best watch his ass. There are few things I hate more than an undeserved sense of self-worth.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

John Edwards

Douchebag of some note. I can only assume that he's going to throw himself on Elizabeth's funeral pyre in keeping with the carny tradition.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Elizabeth Edwards

Currently deceased. No joy in that at all. But let's not kid ourselves. She was not classy, she was not a hero, she was, it seems, not all that bright.

She married the most ginormous douchenozzle in all of creation. And he pimped her terminal disease every chance he got. For votes. And she let him.

So fuck her. Fuck the embargo against speaking ill of the dead. If you're a fuckwit you're a fuckwit, dead or alive. She did what she could to impede democracy and harm the country. All in the name of advancing her shitbag husband up the ladder.

I'm a people person. Fuck you for asking.

Death and Taxes

So if the proposed death tax changes go through I will stop advising my elderly clients to die this calendar year.