Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I am totally going to flip and vote the most liberal ticket I can reach next Tuesday. This might confound my mythical site visitors, but please let me 'splain:

1. The smug finally got to me. They were right, I am wrong.

2. I've always wanted to visit France, but hate the French. Bring the mountain to Mohamed, as it were.

Muslims Fear Backlash From Next Week's Mall Bombing

I know, it's old. But fuck them and their inability to take a joke.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Uncle Jimmy

Really, the only thing I miss about Jimmy Carter is that the first lady didn't look like an Orc. We got everything else.


You know what I'm really going to miss in about ten days? Robocalls.

You know what I'm not going to miss? The wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Monday, October 25, 2010

My Man Alvin Greene

Is now following me on Twitter. I am now somebody. I'm assuming this is a semi-elaborate prank, but with Alvin, there is no borderline between real and hoax. He just IS.

Either way, I'm honored.

Friday, October 22, 2010

November 2

I am nobody of any importance. So when I 'splain this to you all, please don't think that I attach any weight to this.

However - November 2 I plan on taking the day off, waxing my taint, and submerging myself in butterscotch pudding to ride out the awesomeness that is the insurrection to follow.

The balls want what the balls want, you know.

Just saying.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Does the honor of being fired by NPR offset the shame of working for them in the first place?

Stupid-ass crackers.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has joined the chorus of celebrities offering support to gay teenagers who are suffering from bullying, advising them to "hang in there and ask for help."

She also advised them to "hang on the coattails of a heterosexual and see where that takes you. You might be wildly surprised! I was!".

Monday, October 18, 2010

This Can Only Be a Good Sign, Right?

The long streamers of drool cannot be too far behind.


That's just not the right word. I don't fear Muslims, because I have both testicles, many firearms, and superhuman upper-body strength.

I don't even hate all Muslims - just the crazy ones.

I guess that makes me normal.

When I Build a Skyscraper

And name it "The Sniper Building." I expect to get a lot of questions. If I'm paying attention I'll just answer "Foreshadowing." If I'm not, I'll just point out the 57th floor post office.

Troop Leader

I still maintain that my Cub Scout Troop Leader uniform, complete with dog leash (for my lost dog) and Polaroid camera, was the perfect Halloween costume. What's scarier than a predatory pedophile?


Nobody cares about this, but the tears of a clown are the sweetest of them all.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dead Babies

Still funny. I don't give a shit what anybody says. Ask a pit bull.

Friday, October 15, 2010


My costume this year: Slutty Caveman.

This is cheating, as that is also going to be my Christmas costume. Keep the Slutty Caveman in Christmas, I always say.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


My friend has an indestructible flip phone that looks like a prop from a Pauly Shore movie. It works great, but only makes or takes calls from 1999. Mostly from people who want to party like it's now.

Macaulay Culkin

There's so much Michael Jackson in my iPod, I've started calling it Macaulay Culkin.

Chilean Miners

Thank God the Chilean Miners are safe. Thank the same God we defied by digging down so far into the Earth, thereby putting ourselves at risk. The same God who chastened us by trapping the miners down in the mine. The same God we defied yet again with our infernal drilling and rescuing skills. Your turn, God.

Reporter Gets Screened Out by Democrat-Compliant Reporters!

Look: I suck at this blogging thing. Will for years. So humor me and check out that link. Assuming it is, indeed, still a link.

Ohhhh down in Mexico...

So now the Mexicans are beheading people. I think they're doing this to try to make the Democrats look better in time for the mid-term elections.

Now more than ever we need minefields, random air strikes, and Doberman Pincers.

That is all.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fantasy Football

I played football. I dabble in politics.

If I had to make a living at either, these things would happen in quick succession:

1. Divorce
2. No longer morbidly obese (starvation joke, son)
3. Clock tower
4. Sweet release
5. Some sort of penalty phase

I grow weary of being stupid at all of the things I enjoy. Soon I'll lose the ability to cook bacon, read, and scoff at the dim.

Just wanted to lay that out there.


Fucking idiot hippies. I bet the Mayans are all somewhere laughing their dead asses off.

Friday, October 8, 2010


One of those Bing 'Search Overload' commercials just came on and freaked my cat out with this 'you talkin' to me' hollering from the movie 'Taxi Driver'. Why the fuck would you want to do that, Bing? My cat doesn't do Internet searches, but I do the hell out of them. And frankly, Bing, it's like you just stood there and pissed in my hot tub, and dude - that's not cool.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I was wondering if the folks at the DMV realize how much getting finished there and leaving the building is like how I imagine leaving prison must feel. I didn't get a new suit, twenty bucks, or a bus ticket - but I did feel a little raped, and I was relieved to get the hell out of there.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Kennedy gave a great speech about going the moon. Nixon put dudes on the moon. Nixon is he only President to put people on he moon. That's badass, and should get you on a coin. Fuck Carter. All he's done is outlive. Whoopti-Shit. So you're living a long time, like a woman. I get it, bitch, now shut up and bake me a pie.


I think that the US Government should have an 'Unintended Consequences Ombusman'. And nearly nothing else.


Pretty sure she's now eating live squirrels wrapped in cabbage. God help us all.

The vent, it does NOTHING!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


If you ever catch yourself resigning from a job, a project, or a board, just keep on resigning from things. Recognize intertia, utilize momentum and capitalize on latent or potential energy. Synergy.


I'll admit it here: I like her a lot. Not in a creepy way. Not in an entirely creepy way. Purely professional.

But if she ran in a ticket with Chris Christie I would vote so hard the booth would moan.

That's an intercourse joke, son.

I don't get the constant jokes about her intelligence. She ran a big-ass state. Ran it well. She's fearless. She takes a position (focus) on everything that needs direction. She hates a fucking communist. I'm O.K. with all of that.

Does she really not stack up against Obama and Biden? This country is not designed to be run by professional politicians. This country is designed to be run by people with a backbone, and a reason to eventually return to private life.

Everybody else is a drag on the system.


This blog shit is going to pay off big someday. Just noticed we got a record seven (7) hits today.

My benchmark for a successful blog venture:

     1. Every continent eventually checks in (in the form of a questionably documented page view)

     2. I make enough sweet, sweet ad money (coming soon!) to purchase a reasonably-priced plate lunch at Moody's.

     3. George Will leaves a comment correcting my spelling.

     4. Some nationally-known socialist type reads this and is visibly displeased. Shit, I'll take a random Hollywood anti-American.

     5. Kirk gets off of his dead ass and posts something.

That is all. I'll hang up now and listen for your answer.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Damn You, Television!

I can smell Margaret Cho from here.

Join Us or We'll Murder You

The 10:10 campaign wants you to cut your carbon emissions by 10% on 10/10/10. Or else.

When I watched this the first time, I swear I thought that it was done by people who were against militant environmentalists stifling dissent. Turns out it is just more clumsy marketing for environmental totalitarianism. Even the Nazis didn't shoot movies about murdering people who disagreed with them, they just went and did it.

******Warning - DO NOT WATCH THIS if you don't want to see what's in an Environmentalist's snuff film wet dreams.****** (Gillian Anderson is in it at the end, so you'll probably watch it anyways)


It appears that in the 1940s, U.S. Government researchers infected patients in Guatemala with syphilis and gonorrhea without their consent.

But, come on. It was the 1940s, and everybody was doing it. Peer pressure is a powerful thing. And let's be realistic - Is the 'without their consent' bit necessary? Who is going to 'consent' to get an STD?

Also, what's a Guatemala?

Jack Kennedy

I asked my dad if he remembers what he was doing when President Kennedy was assassinated. Turns out his story is pretty shaky. I didn't have time to check it out, so I just passed it on to an FBI buddy.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

But Cancer IS funny

Everybody has heard about breast cancer now? We're good? Cool! Let's stop with the pink shit on football uniforms. Fucking whiners.

Is it ironic that Farah Fawcett, the owner of the best boobs of the 70s, died of anal cancer? That may be Gods alltime greatest headfake.

Need a ruling on the irony, though. Alanis ruined my irony meter.

Paula Deen

Paula Deen is staring into my soul from the television - with those crazy painted porcelain doll eyes. I liked her much better when she was agoraphobic.

Kid demonstrates English language in 24 accents

This video is terrific fun, not to mention loaded with cussing.

Me attempting to do 24 different accents from my own country and from other countries around the world. Hopefully I got most of them right but I may have made mistakes and I can do some better than others. However, I made this video for my friends because I promised them I would do an accent video. I mean no offence to anyone and please don't be upset if I have not included your specific accent or got it wrong.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hibbity Jibbity

I won't be truly happy until Obama is serving me tea at Red Lobster.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Don't you hate it when someone responds to your question with another question? If you ask me a question about that question, you're immediately subject to the COCKPUNCH terms of this blog - and Thank You for your sudden interest in the COCKPUNCH terms of this blog. (listed in onerous detail in the legal micetype you just quickly clicked past/agreed to)


If I had been present at Jesus' birth, I would have given him a tiny toy manger scene. What the Bible is missing is that kind of recursion.


I think it's only appropriate to begin my participation on this blog with my strident objection to the term "buttload", since I prefer "boatload".

If I have a boatload of cash, it is a pile of cash the size of a fully loaded boat.

If I have a buttload of cash, I have a wad of cash roughly the size of my fist. Also, it's been in a butt.